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precious anne abarides

Precious is a Project Coordinator here at mcm. She makes sure that not only the client is well supported but also the project team.


“I love being part of a team that shares their collective passions to make an event beautiful and successful

“mcm pushes me to continue to grow and develop my skills and with so many talented, passionate, and skilled individuals, it has been a pleasure learning from everyone in the team.”

“I love organising and planning events because with every event we create experiences that people remember. I love seeing people coming together to learn, inspire one another and collaborate with such passion.”

“Being a project coordinator at mcm makes me feel very, very, lucky. I know the job can get painfully stressful sometimes but otherwise I am privileged to work across such talented people, visit stunning venues and meet truly inspiring people from across many fields. I’m very grateful for having the privilege to be part of this stimulating industry and company.”

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