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jonathan lane

Jonathan is a Video & Content Producer. His days revolve around ideating, planning, shooting and editing content, as well as solving any related creative and technical challenges. 


“finding that moment of originality and genuine creativity is what it’s all about.

“In my role, no day is the same – you never quite know what you’re going to be working on, or how it will unfold. And every project requires a slightly different approach. Every brief has its unique challenges and its unique rewards. This is what drives me to keep learning and adapting.”

“Originality is hugely important to me. No matter the project, I find a way to tackle it that’s different from how it’s been done before. It’s great to draw inspiration from others – there’s always more to discover – but I love finding that moment of genuine creativity that allows you to fit all the pieces of a project together. That’s what it’s all about.”

“I enjoy a bit of analogue photography, which goes hand in hand with lots of walks, particularly down the Thames. Recently, I’ve learnt that learning guitar is much harder than editing!”

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